Current trends in public schools are deeply troubling: enrollment declines of more than one million students, chronic absenteeism levels of almost 15 million students, engagement levels at all-time lows, and more. But at CIS, these trends only strengthen our resolve to deepen our impact through our proven model of integrated student supports (ISS). The evidence is clear: with ISS, students improve their engagement, attendance, behavior, well-being and graduation rates.
Our Impact
Student Success Lasts a Lifetime
*Results are from the 2022-2023 school year.
CIS Is Present Across the U.S.
current network span
schools and community sites served in the 2022-23 school year
students reached with CIS supports and resources in the 2022-23 school year
Esteban on Why Being Present Matters
“If it wasn’t for CIS, I would not be walking that stage,” Esteban, 18, admitted. “School was never really my thing.”
Like many students, Esteban’s struggles extended beyond the classroom.
That’s when CIS Site Coordinator Marco stepped in. Recognizing the impact of external factors on Esteban's academic performance, Marco had a heart-to-heart conversation with him, offering support and empathy.
Learn How We Are Present for Students
Community Matters
This year’s Community Matters Report dives into the state of our public schools. It also includes the impact our ISS model has on the 3,460 schools we are working with across the country, and a call to action for everyone working to fulfill the promise of public education in America.